Tactical Risk Group & SpecMedicalOPS woud like to invite you to the next edition of the legendary COMMANDO special training camp, thanks to which many adepts of the course found their place in Polish special units. This time on new terms. Our doors are open to civilians and people from abroad.

As usual, we engage instructors from special forces, war veterans. We provide training facilities, weapons, vehicles, boats and helicopters dedicated to perform specific training tasks.

The organizers are:


Sylwester Winiarski – the creator of the Commando Special Training Camp and the owner of this brand. TCCC medical and tactical training with NAEMT accreditation

Tactical Risk Group

Tactical Risk Group works closely with other former Polish Army Special Forces members. Together we provide a wide range of specialized training courses and services for private entities in the security sector, media, government and non-government agencies, as well as private companies that conduct their business outside of Poland in hostile environment, high risk and conflict zones .

Who is this campus for?

Women / Men

For people who want to test their abilities

For people who want to gain new experiences

For people who want to work in special units in the future.

Admission requirements for the course:

Certificate from a doctor about the physical and mental ability to take part in the training

Age – up to 45 years

Good physical fitness

Ability to swim and dive

If a candidate does not meet any of the above conditions for admission to the course and is interested in taking part in the training, he is obliged to write an e-mail and provide the reason that disqualifies him from the training. We will make decisions individually.

As part of the course, we provide:

– Accommodation and catering

– Accident insurance

– Medical cover

– Care of authorized instructors

– Transport as part of training

Thematic plan:

Day 1 – Accommodation, pre-tests according to SOF standards

Day 2 – Tactical Rescue – NAEMT TCCC ASM

Day 3 – Tactical and shooting training

Day 4 – Small Team Tactics, Vehicle Tactics

Day 5 – Altitude tactics ( rappelling )

Day 6 – Cooperation with the helicopter

Day 7 – Blue Tactics (survival at sea)

Day 8 – Blue Tactics, boarding the ship from a RIB fast boat

Place of implementation:

POLAND/Kolbudy near Gdańsk,

What to bring to the training:

– Toiletries

– Tactical equipment (tactical vest, tactical belt, gloves, glasses)

– military uniform

– Military boots

If you are interested, please submit your candidacy by email [email protected] or 48 605-935-335

Cost of participation:


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